Air Quality

Our work focuses on those who are especially vulnerable to the effects of pollution, such as young children and those who are exposed to high levels of pollution through their work, such as ambulance and bus drivers.

Our team has worked with a wide range of clients on air quality behaviour change and monitoring projects.  Our experience includes:

  • Engaging with audiences to encourage behaviour change to reduce people’s exposure to pollution, e.g. workshops with school children.
  • Running air quality and health training for fleet drivers. 
  • Co-creating low pollution walking maps with children, including using citizen science air quality monitoring and educational workshops.
  • Developing engaging and high-quality materials for communications campaigns. 
  • Leading a business engagement programme for the City of London. 
  • Running the Idling Action campaign for the Mayor of London and local authorities, which included developing communication materials, recruiting volunteers, delivering training and running idling events.