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Learning about future models for community energy


Mary, Anna and Bill, from CAG, facilitated a fascinating event about post-subsidy business models for community energy, on 18th October. The event was jointly sponsored by Community Energy England and Power to Change and used an ‘Open Space’ approach to allow participants from a wide range of community energy groups to discuss the issues that most concerned them. CAG Consultants facilitated the event as part of our evaluation of the Next Generation programme for Power to Change, which aims to support community approaches to energy.

Felicity Jones at Everoze, a member of the delivery team for the Next Generation project has highlighted 5 lessons that emerged for her from the Next Generation programme and the ‘Future Models’ event. It’s a great read, click here to find out more.

Watch this space for a video showcasing five Next Generation projects and insights so far on their community energy business models, coming soon.