Case Studies

Find out more about some of the work we do across the UK and with a range of clients

Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for Gloucestershire

Severe flooding in Gloucestershire in July 2007 provided a sharp reminder of the risks of climate change In 2008, Gloucestershire County Council commissioned CAG Consultants to develop an integrated climate change strategy and action plan. The Council was working to...

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Electricity Markets – Making Up the N0mb3rs

Over 2015/16 several clients came to us with very similar queries. They were developing or looking to invest in generation projects, and had a number of line items in economic models which were proving difficult to lock down. Embedded benefits Embedded benefits – that...

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Runwell Hospital Pre-application Consultation

CAG led the engagement and communications in the Atkins team which delivered this project for the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The HCA aimed to secure an outline planning consent for residential use on a derelict hospital site it owns in Chelmsford, Essex the...

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North and West London Waste Plans

CAG Consultants led the engagement and communications for the North London and West London Joint Waste Development Plan on behalf of the planning authorities in the North and West London boroughs. CAG were responsible for developing and delivering the two stakeholder...

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