31 Climate Actions for Councils

An evidence-based list of the most effective climate actions councils can take

At the beginning of 2020, CAG helped Ashden and Friends of the Earth compile an evidence-based list of 31 actions that should be considered by every local authority declaring a climate emergency.  Each action is quantified in terms of likely carbon savings and approximate cost, with he co-benefits of each action also highlighted, in terms of better health, improved economy, increased equity and resilience.

For each action, there are also pointers to examples of best practice around the UK.  Figures have been estimated based on an imaginary council, ‘Ashden town’, with a population of 100,000; data can then be extrapolated to fit any town or city.

We sourced real examples of where these actions have been implemented, wherever possible, and have used the best data we can find but have had to make a range of assumptions.

The full set of data is available as an Excel spreadsheet which can be accessed here; this can be edited and filtered for ease of use – for example by type of council or by low cost actions.

If you’d like to talk to CAG about how we can support your organisation on your net zero or climate emergency action plan, please contact Emma Jones on ej@cagconsult.co.uk.