Engaging the Addiscombe Community for Better Traffic, Safety, and Travel


Croydon Council, in partnership with CAG Consultants, embarked on an ambitious project to engage the residents of the Addiscombe neighbourhood in addressing critical issues concerning through traffic, road safety, and active travel. The project aimed to understand the community’s concerns, facilitate constructive dialogue, and co-create actionable solutions. This case study highlights the successful engagement process, detailing the phases of work undertaken and the impactful outcomes achieved. 

Phase 1: Community Drop-In Sessions 

The first phase focused on gathering insights from the community through a series of drop-in sessions. These sessions were meticulously planned and executed to ensure maximum participation and valuable feedback. 

Activities undertaken: 

  • Facilitators’ programme: CAG developed comprehensive facilitators’ programmes for each event, outlining the engagement process to ensure smooth and effective facilitation. 
  • Facilitation: Each session was facilitated by two experienced facilitators from CAG, who guided discussions and ensured all voices were heard. 
  • Analysis: The results from the sessions were systematically analysed to extract key themes and insights. 
  • Reporting: Detailed reports were produced for each session, and a combined report summarised the findings from all sessions, highlighting the community’s concerns and suggestions. 


The drop-in sessions provided a platform for residents to voice their concerns about through traffic, road safety, and active travel. The feedback collected was instrumental in shaping the next phase of the project. The sessions also helped build trust between the council and the community, demonstrating a genuine commitment to addressing local issues. 

Phase 2: Co-Design Sessions 

Building on the insights from the drop-in sessions, the second phase involved co-design sessions where residents collaborated to identify practical solutions. These sessions aimed to move from discussion to action, empowering the community to take an active role in shaping their neighbourhood. 

Activities undertaken: 

  • Detailed session design: CAG created a detailed plan for a series co-design sessions, ensuring they were structured to facilitate productive dialogue and decision-making. 
  • Pre co-design session: an initial session was held to provide residents with relevant information, setting the stage for informed discussions during the co-design sessions. 
  • Facilitation of co-design sessions: CAG facilitated the sessions, guiding residents through the process of identifying and prioritising measures to address traffic, safety, and travel issues. 
  • Outcome reporting: a report was produced, capturing the agreed-upon measures and reflecting the community’s collective vision for a safer and more accessible neighbourhood. 


The co-design sessions were highly successful, resulting in a series of measures that residents wanted to see implemented. CAG’s expertise in facilitation was key to navigating differing opinions and fostering a collaborative atmosphere. The positive feedback from participants underscored the effectiveness of the process and the value of community-led planning. 

Conclusion and ongoing work 

The engagement process facilitated by CAG is set to have a lasting impact on the Addiscombe community. The council is now working with technical consultants to assess the feasibility of the proposed measures. CAG continues to support the council in maintaining communication with the community, ensuring transparency and ongoing collaboration as the measures are developed and implemented. The council has also asked CAG to lead a wider public consultation process on the measures to be introduced.