As part of a project undertaken in partnership with Torfaen Council
Funded through the Welsh Local Government Association and Natural Resources Wales, we developed a green economy master-planning tool (GEM) to help area-based partnerships to understand what a green economy might look like in their locality, to review current activity and to guide and measure future progress.
Our approach recognises and seeks to capture the opportunities for providing new goods and services and for delivering financial and other forms of value through the adoption of more efficient and circular forms of economic activity. At the same time it acknowledges the need for economic systems to be resilient, the essential contribution of ecosystems as a provider of goods and services, and the need to balance economic and social objectives. One role currently being investigated for the tool is how it might enable local authorities and their partners to translate the Well being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill into local policy and practice.
For more information about the tool and how we might be able to help you with your work on this agenda please contact Bill Kirkup.