The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network & Transition Network Hub (SCCAN) aims to support community-led action in Scotland to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.
CAG has recently completed a two stage piece of research for SCCAN to increase understanding of the awareness of climate change and the likely impacts of climate change on communities in Scotland.
A rapid literature review of academic and grey literature (focussed on places that have comparable systems of government/governance and/or climate to the Scottish context) examined two questions: “What are the impacts on communities following severe weather events?” and “What are the effects on communities of long term climate related issues?”
In parallel research was also carried out into public perceptions of Scotland’s changing climate and resilience to climate impacts.
In depth qualitative interviews took place with a cross-section of the Scottish public to investigate the Scottish public’s perceptions of climate change impacts on their communities, their awareness of resilience-enhancing activities, and their views on necessary actions to adapt to climate change.
The research also sought to evaluate community preparedness and response strategies for climate-related crises and to collect examples of effective practices and information sources for community resilience to climate change.
A publicly available summary of the findings will be made available by SCCAN in due course.
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