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CAG Consultants, in association with Aspinall Verdi, have recently completed an Employment Land Study (ELS) for the London Borough of Lewisham to inform preparation of Lewisham’s new Local Plan. The study provides up-to-date technical evidence to inform policy development in respect of employment land management and will help underpin the spatial strategy for the borough.

The ELS provides an up-to-date assessment of employment land supply and demand in the borough, with consideration given to projected future requirements over the plan period to 2038.

The report summarises relevant planning policy, provides an economic profile of Lewisham and sets out a property market profile of Lewisham describing recent trends in rents and take-up for commercial property in the Borough.

It provides an assessment of all the designated employment sites in the borough and contains forecasts of employment by sector for Lewisham with sensitivity analysis and alternative scenarios around the central forecast. The report analyses the balance between projected demand for employment space in Lewisham and supply of such space both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The report concludes with recommendations for both specific sites in the borough and more general policy advice on the types of workspace provision Lewisham should aim to provide and spatial guidance on where to provide it.