We recently undertook a commission from the Local Government Association (LGA) to draft a workbook for councillors on local pathways to net zero. Local authorities have a crucial role to play in achieving the UK’s 2050 Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions target. This workbook is designed to help councillors achieve this.
Local authorities have a key role to play in achieving this Net Zero target. Actions taken now, locally, will grow the pipeline of projects, jobs and skills to scale-up delivery of zero carbon buildings and transport, waste reduction and low-carbon land use. Local authorities are directly responsible for 2-5 per cent of local emissions, but can influence around a third of emissions in their area through leadership and place making . Local authorities are well placed to drive and influence action on climate change through the services they deliver, their regulatory and strategic functions, and their roles as community leaders, major employers, large-scale procurers and social landlords. They also provide a vitally important leadership role, setting an example for others to follow.
The workbook provides councillors with insight and assistance with the key skills which will help them to be most effective in their role. It sets out opportunities for action relating to each local authority sphere of influence over carbon emissions, from direct control, procurement and placeshaping through to showcasing, partnerships and community engagement. It can be accessed here.