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London Industrial Land Demand study & London Office Policy Review published

Economic Analysis, Research and Policy

CAG have recently completed two major pieces of work for the GLA that will serve as key components of the evidence base to inform the forthcoming London Plan.

The London Industrial Land Demand study, led by CAG, assesses the amount of industrial land London needs to maintain to ensure it continues to function as a successful and sustainable city. The study assessed demand for land for general industrial uses, logistics activity and wider uses of industrial land, such as transport and waste. It produced forecasts of industrial land demand by Borough and property market area.

Releases of industrial land are running at well above the benchmark levels set by the Land for Industry and Transport SPG and release rates need to slow dramatically to enable London to accommodate future demand for industrial activity. A key policy response identified by the report is through greater intensification of industrial land use.

The London Office Policy Review (LOPR) is a long running series that reviews trends in the London office market and assesses future demand for office floorspace at Borough level. LOPR 2017 was led by Ramidus with CAG responsible for forecasts of future demand. The report shows how the relationship between the number of jobs and occupation of office floorspace has been changing in recent years and develops a series of scenarios for the future demand for office floorspace in London.

Both reports can be found on the GLA website: