Earlier this year, CAG was commissioned to undertake research to inform the development of the Mayor of London’s draft fuel poverty action plan. Working with CSE, ACE and SE2, the project involved a rapid literature review, interviews with 50 stakeholders (from boroughs, charities, energy companies and advice providers), data modelling (to assess the numbers in fuel poverty by different categories – and the impact on fuel poverty of different policy measures) and a stakeholder workshop.
Fuel poverty in London remains high, with more than 335,000 households affected according to the latest available data.
The draft fuel poverty action plan has now been published and is available here. The plan identifies those areas where the Mayor can have the most impact. While the aim is to reduce fuel poverty for everyone, interventions will be targeted at those most in need. Proposed actions include:
- Boosting incomes of people in fuel poverty in London by supporting benefit uptake campaigns, referral services and programmes that provide direct advice and support to the fuel poor.
- Increasing the energy efficiency of London’s homes so they are better insulated.
(Our report, on which much of the action plan has been based, is due to be published by the GLA shortly.)
Comments on the draft action plan can be submitted here.