CAG has just completed a summative assessment report for Centrica on this EU funded research project. The core objective of the project was to...
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Trialling hydrogen heating
Our report on creating a community hydrogen heating trial was published recently by the...
Changes to the Scottish energy policy landscape and potential impact on customers
Last year, CAG together with CSE was commissioned by ClimateXchange to carry out two interlinked projects: To research the likely impact on...
Community Energy workshop – 9th November
As part of CAG’s work evaluating the Next Generation programme for community energy, funded by Power to Change, we’re helping to organise a virtual...
Developing a climate change tools index for the RTPI
Spatial planning has a vital role to play in minimising our carbon emissions. The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) is championing this role of...
Biomethane reports published
Biomethane is a refined version of the biogas which is produced from anaerobic digestion plants. It offers an alternative to fossil fuels in the gas...
BEIS publish evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements scheme
BEIS has just published the report on evaluation of the second Climate Change Agreements (CCA) scheme, available here:...
Mapping Conwy’s route to Carbon Net Zero
CAG Consultants are thrilled to be working with Aether to define and plan Conwy County Borough Council's route to Carbon Net Zero. Conwy County...
Core capacity
What is core capacity and why consider it? These two sister reports by CAG, in association with Professor Jacopo Torriti and Doctor Timur Yunusov,...
Climate Action Co-benefits Toolkit for local authorities
Earlier this year, CAG was commissioned by the sustainable energy charity Ashden to develop content for a new 'Climate Action Co-benefits Toolkit'...