Supporting local and regional government on action to cut carbon emissions has always been at the heart of CAG’s work.
Recent activities including Greta Thunberg’s call to arms, David Attenborough’s ‘Climate Change – The Facts’ documentary and Extinction Rebellion protests have raised the profile of climate change in a way we’ve never seen before. And recent months have seen numerous local authorities declare their own ‘climate emergencies’. These are about reducing carbon emissions at the local level whilst also putting pressure on national government to enable and require rapid decarbonisation.
CAG developed much of the guidance and tools which underpinned the original ‘Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change’ and the Local Government Association’s Climate Local initiative. We offer a range of services that can support councils to deliver against their climate emergency commitments, as summarised in the document below. To find out more, or to arrange an informal chat about how we might be able to help, please drop us a line – hq@cagconsult.co.uk, 020 8555 6126.