Case Studies

Find out more about some of the work we do across the UK and with a range of clients

Suffolk Green Economy  Research

Suffolk Green Economy Research

CAG Consultants were commissioned by Suffolk Growth to undertake research that will support the development of a framework to grow the local Suffolk economy and business base through local, national and international opportunities for green trade. The climate change...

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Evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements scheme

Evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements scheme

CAG Consultant’s Evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements (CCA). CCA scheme is a voluntary scheme for firms in certain energy and trade-intensive industry sectors, which offers discounts on the Climate Change Levy (CCL) in exchange for firms meeting targets for carbon or energy efficiency improvements (or making ‘buy-out’ payments if targets are missed)

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Barking and Dagenham Green Economy Review

The Green Economy Review identfied opportunities to create or expand economic activity which contributes to Net Zero whilst creating potential new job opportunities that may be accessible to residents of LB Barking & Dagenham.

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Impact evaluation of the GLA’s London Regeneration Fund

Impact evaluation of the GLA’s London Regeneration Fund

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned CAG Consultants to undertake a quantitative and qualitative impact evaluation of the London Regeneration Fund (LRF), a £20m capital funding programme to deliver jobs and growth through developing new affordable...

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Lewisham’s route to being a carbon neutral borough

Lewisham’s route to being a carbon neutral borough

The Challenge Lewisham Council declared a climate emergency in February 2019. The Council has set a target to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030.  The Council has shown significant ambition reflecting the urgent action that is needed and is being demanded by the...

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31 Climate Actions for Councils

31 Climate Actions for Councils

An evidence-based list of the most effective climate actions councils can take At the beginning of 2020, CAG helped Ashden and Friends of the Earth compile an evidence-based list of 31 actions that should be considered by every local authority declaring a climate...

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Evaluation of local flood risk management in England

Back in the summer of 2014, CAG Consultants were commissioned to lead an evaluation of the arrangements for managing flood risk in England. Some time has passed since our final report was completed the following summer. However, in the absence of any major changes to...

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Southall Economy Study

CAG Consultants were commissioned by the London Borough of Ealing in association with the Catalyst Housing Group to undertake a Southall Economy study.  The objectives were to carry out a study of key economic strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for future...

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Developing a business case for Crossrail 2

Dave Lawrence, a Partner of CAG, was part of an expert team working with Transport for London to develop business cases for some of the capital’s major new infrastructure schemes. The largest of these is Crossrail 2, which is the proposed new high-frequency,...

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Community Led Local Development, Cornwall

Brief CAG was engaged by Cornwall Council in 2016 to develop a funding programme to support residents in the most deprived areas of Cornwall. Community Led Local Development (CLLD) aims to provide pathways to better economic opportunities for people and businesses in...

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