CAG provided facilitation support and our stakeholder engagement expertise in this two year project focusing on managing fishing activity in MPAs....
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Encouraging collaboration across policy domains
A new research report by CAG for the Scottish Government has just been published. The research considered a wide range of tools and techniques for...
Co-production success in Exeter
CAG has just finished working with the with the Wonford community in Exeter to find out what would improve health and wellbeing in Wonford . The...
Using co-creation to produce robust strategies and deliver best practice in the utilities sector
Using co-creation to integrate multiple stakeholders’ needs, expectations, creativity and ideas not only creates better strategies but also enables...
New Heat Networks Development Unit Stakeholder Engagement Guidance
At the beginning of July BEIS finally released their long awaited ‘Stakeholder engagement in heat networks: a guide for project managers’. This...
Co-creating South East Water’s Vulnerability Strategy
CAG Consultants have used the co-creation process to inform South East Water’s Vulnerability Strategy. All water companies are required by Ofwat to...
Developing a participatory approach to the management of fishing activity in Marine Protected Areas
CAG Consultants has been commissioned by the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) to work alongside NFFO, Joint Nature...
Planning for faith groups – meeting the challenges of equality, cohesion and competing land demands
A ground-breaking report on planning for faith communities in Barking & Dagenham has just been published. The report, by CAG in conjunction with...
Community Led Local Development kicks off in Cornwall
Cornwall has had the funding for the Community Led Local Development (CLLD)Programme approved and is planning to launch the programme shortly. CLLD...
The Sustainable Development Goals: how can London lead the way?
CAG Consultants, in partnership with UKSSD and the London Sustainable Development Commission, recently hosted an exciting evening of debate,...