A new research report by CAG for the Scottish Government has just been published. The research considered a wide range of tools and techniques for...
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Core capacity
What is core capacity and why consider it? These two sister reports by CAG, in association with Professor Jacopo Torriti and Doctor Timur Yunusov,...
Lewisham Employment Land Study
CAG Consultants, in association with Aspinall Verdi, have recently completed an Employment Land Study (ELS) for the London Borough of Lewisham to...
CAG chosen to evaluate innovative new Local Energy Market project
CAG’s expertise in evaluating energy projects and our specialist knowledge of the energy grid comes together in this new project. We have been...
Flood Risk Governance: The State of Play
Defra has just commissioned a review of the current framework for flood risk governance in England and Wales. Here’s my take on the current state of...
Councils taking action on sustainability
CAG recently completed a small commission for West Sussex County Council, looking at opportunities for the council to take further action on...
Measuring the impact of social enterprises – a novel approach
Staff and volunteers at St Sidwell's Community Centre, Exeter The CAG team is excited to be working with Devon County Council to develop an...
Governance and accountability of Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs)
Building on our track record of research into the functioning of flood risk management in England, CAG have been appointed by Defra to carry out...
Using co-creation to produce robust strategies and deliver best practice in the utilities sector
Using co-creation to integrate multiple stakeholders’ needs, expectations, creativity and ideas not only creates better strategies but also enables...
Off peak electricity tariffs for domestic customers – potential role in our future energy system
From 2013 – 2018, CAG was a key partner on the UK Power Networks ‘energywise’ project, funded under Ofgem’s Low Carbon Network Fund. energywise...