CAG Consultants are working with PWC-India on a UK-India knowledge exchange programme, commissioned by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office,...
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CAG chosen to evaluate innovative new Local Energy Market project
CAG’s expertise in evaluating energy projects and our specialist knowledge of the energy grid comes together in this new project. We have been...
Councils taking action on sustainability
CAG recently completed a small commission for West Sussex County Council, looking at opportunities for the council to take further action on...
Evaluation tool box: bringing rigour to qualitative impact analysis
All impact evaluations face the challenge of assessing causality: in what ways and to what extent are observed changes attributable to the...
Off peak electricity tariffs for domestic customers – potential role in our future energy system
From 2013 – 2018, CAG was a key partner on the UK Power Networks ‘energywise’ project, funded under Ofgem’s Low Carbon Network Fund. energywise...
Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loan scheme: interim evaluation report released
BEIS has recently released the interim report of their evaluation of the public sector energy efficiency loan scheme – the scheme is more commonly...
New Heat Networks Development Unit Stakeholder Engagement Guidance
At the beginning of July BEIS finally released their long awaited ‘Stakeholder engagement in heat networks: a guide for project managers’. This...
CAG leads evaluation of Climate Change Agreements scheme for BEIS
CAG Consultants is leading an evaluation of the Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) scheme for BEIS, in a consortium with UCL, Cambridge Econometrics...
The Warm Arm of the Law – tackling fuel poverty in the private rented sector
Local authorities are not doing enough to enforce minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector (PRS) and tenants are not fully...
Evaluation of the Heat Networks Delivery Unit report published
The second and final report from our evaluation of the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) was published this month. The HNDU was set up in 2013 as a...